OMX - Organic Metabolomics
An Advanced Organic Acids and Amino Acids Profile
Metabolomic Testing Offers Enhanced Insights into Patient Metabolic Status
The OMX® Organic Metabolomics test from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory evaluates urine and plasma metabolites—including organic acids, amino acids, and other key compounds—to assist practitioners in unraveling their patient’s metabolic pathways, revealing their unique Metabolic Signature.
Using a systems-biology approach, OMX assesses biomarkers that go beyond the traditional lists of metabolites. This test enables practitioners to see a patient’s larger health picture by deciphering and connecting perturbations of key metabolic pathways and analytes, allowing for truly personalized therapeutic support.
Explore our OMX Organic Metabolomics educational resources. Learn about the markers on the test and how they impact overall health so you can better interpret results.
Clinical Information
OMX® metabolomic testing goes beyond traditional organic acid testing. OMX characterizes metabolic phenotypes by presenting analytes in pathway categories to more easily identify metabolomic deviations that can underlie—and even precede—disease.

Reveal Your Metabolic Signature
What is Metabolomics Testing?
Metabolomics, also called comprehensive metabolic profiling, evaluates patterns of metabolites related to core biological systems, offering insight into biochemical dysfunctions that may be of concern.
Organic acids and other small molecules are intermediate compounds that can define the efficient flow of pathways and substrates such as amino acids to reveal the level of inputs, which together establish the functional status of key areas of health.
Metabolites are impacted by many factors and can change in response to diet, nutrient status, toxin exposures, exercise, physiologic demands, genetics, gut microbiome alterations, or disease stage.
Metabolic analysis can help clinicians evaluate the function of key pathways to better target support.
The metabolome is a measure of the inputs and outputs of biological pathways and, as such, is often considered more representative of the functional state of a cell than other 'omics measures such as genomics or proteomics.1
Order Organic Metabolomics
OMX® metabolomic testing goes beyond traditional organic acid testing. OMX characterizes metabolic phenotypes by presenting analytes in pathway categories to more easily identify metabolomic deviations that can underlie—and even precede—disease.
Patient Information
Ask your practitioner about OMX, and how it can help you achieve better health!

Are You a Patient?
A healthcare practitioner will need to order the test for you. That can be your own doctor, or you can contact us so we can help you find a practitioner in your area.
Optimizing Your Health
We know you want to be proactive about your health. OMX can help your doctor evaluate how you function to either optimize your current health or identify health issues that need attention.
At Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, we believe in the practice of personalized medicine. Our goal is to help you achieve your health goals through research-based testing and treatment protocols tailored to your unique needs.
…modern medicine will only be truly effective once it is has transitioned from reactive disease care to a framework that is predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory. 2
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016, March 9). Metabolomics Overview. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved November 23, 2021
- Hood, L. as cited in Miller, I.J., Peters, S.R., Overmyer, K.A. et al. Real-time health monitoring through urine metabolomics. npj Digit. Med. 2, 109 (2019).
- Beger RD, Dunn W, Schmidt MA, et al. Metabolomics enables precision medicine: "A White Paper, Community Perspective". Metabolomics. 2016;12(10):149.
* OMX™ - Organic Metabolomics testing is not intended for disease diagnosis. Information provided by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory does not constitute medical advice; but is for educational purposes only. Services provided are for laboratory testing only. No charge is incurred for ordering collection kits.