AAp - Amino Acids Profile
A Metabolomic Profile that Offers Key Insights into a Patient's Metabolic Signature
The Amino Acid Profile from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory uses a systems-biology approach to evaluate essential and non-essential amino acids in plasma. Plasma amino acids generally exhibit low variation within individuals, with essential amino acids maintaining a relatively steady state.
Excessive or insufficient amino acid levels may be the result of an imbalanced diet or changes in requirements due to genetic variants, disease, or impaired metabolism.
Explore our Amino Acids Profile educational resources. Learn about the markers on the test and how they impact overall health so you can better interpret results.
Clinical Information
The Amino Acid Profile aids in identifying nutrient status, imbalances, and the flow of catabolic pathways. In addition, amino acid testing assesses key functional areas of support, such as meat intake and urea processing, which can help practitioners target protocols to optimize patient outcomes.
Patients: Please see Patient Information below.
Why Choose the Amino Acids Profile from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory?
Personalized Medicine
The analytes on the Amino Acids Profile are listed together by pathway with associated enzymes and co-factors.
The front page of the report provides a focused overview of five functional categories that practitioners can use to easily review results with each patient. Personalized treatment recommendations, based on findings, are conveniently summarized on the last page.
The Amino Acids Profile is Categorized by the Following Key Functional Areas of Patient Health:
- Metabolic Processing
- Amino Acid & Protein Metabolism
- Nutrition (Meat Intake)
- Stress & Mood (GABA)
- Toxic Impacts
- MS/MS – The newer testing results in significant increases in sensitivity & specificity, and increased reproducibility.
Specimen Requirements
- Blood Plasma – Patient must have fasted for the past eight (8) hours.
What Are the Benefits of Amino Acid Testing?
Amino acids play a primary role in human health and physiology. They are the building blocks of proteins and polypeptides.1 Amino acids are substrates of compounds such as neurotransmitters, thyroid hormones, and melatonin, as well as supporting conjugation, glucuronidation, and the Krebs cycle.
Amino acid levels can impact metabolic function and cardiovascular, brain, and immune health.2
Evaluating amino acids in plasma allows practitioners to view key metabolic pathways, identifying areas of dysfunction that can be early predictors of disease.*
The Amino Acid Profile identifies metabolomic perturbations that can be addressed using personalized-medicine interventions, including dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplementation with amino acids or nutrient co-factors.
Patient Information
We know you want to be proactive about your health. The Amino Acids Profile can help your doctor evaluate how you function to either optimize your current health or identify health issues that need attention.
At Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, we believe in the practice of personalized medicine. Our goal is to help you achieve your health goals through research-based testing and treatment protocols tailored to your unique needs.
Are You a Patient?
A healthcare practitioner will need to order the test for you. That can be your own doctor, or you can contact us so we can help you find a practitioner in your area.
Optimizing Your Health
We know you want to be proactive about your health. The Amino Acids Profile can help your doctor evaluate how you function to either optimize your current health or identify health issues that need attention.
At Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, we believe in the practice of personalized medicine. Our goal is to help you achieve your health goals through research-based testing and treatment protocols tailored to your unique needs.Ask your practitioner about the Amino Acids Profile, and how it can help you achieve better health!
Metabolomics, which is defined as the comprehensive analysis of metabolites in a biological specimen, is an emerging technology that holds promise to inform the practice of precision medicine. Historically, small numbers of metabolites have been used to diagnose complex metabolic diseases as well as monogenic disorders such as inborn errors of metabolism.
Consequently, metabolomics affords detailed characterization of metabolic phenotypes and can enable precision medicine at a number of levels, including the characterization of metabolic derangements that underlie disease...
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Amino acids MedlinePlus. Retrieved November 11, 2021.
- Wu, G. (2018, April). Functional amino acids in nutrition and health. Amino Acids. Retrieved November 11, 2021.
- Clish, C. B. (2015, October). Metabolomics: An emerging but powerful tool for precision medicine. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. Retrieved November 11, 2021.
* Amino Acids Profile - Plasma testing is not intended for disease diagnosis. Information provided by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory does not constitute medical advice; but is for educational purposes only. Services provided are for laboratory testing only. No charge is incurred for ordering collection kits.