Case Presentations - Part 3 of Meet Your Normal Bacterial Flora

Meet Your Normal Bacterial Flora – A Three-Part Series
Join Dr. Natalie Groenewoud, ND for part three of this three-part series on normal bacterial flora and its importance to gut health.
In part one, she covered "Roles of Normal Bacterial Flora in the GI Tract" where she went over areas that our normal bacterial flora is responsible for.
Part two covered "The Highs and Lows on the GI-MAP" where Dr Groenewoud gives an overview of high or low findings on the GI-MAP.

Author Natalie Groenewoud, ND
Dr. Natalie Groenewoud is a licensed Naturopathic Physician and Medical Consultant. She has been in practice for over a decade, and her areas of clinical interest and focus are women's wellness and gastrointestinal health. Dr. Groenewoud always works with the premise that the body is self-correcting. She works through her patients' cases by supporting deficiencies and removing environmental, lifestyle, nutritional, or physical roadblocks preventing them from getting back into a homeostatic state. When she isn't seeing patients or consulting with Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, she can be found in the mountains exploring with her young family.