Gas & Histamine Producers on GI-MAP

IBS and SIBO are commonly-diagnosed gastrointestinal disorders that can often be challenging for practitioners to effectively treat.
GI-MAP™ can help practitioners gain breakthrough insights into potential underlying causes and contributors to IBS, SIBO, and related conditions, as well as conditions that can often be mistaken as IBS or SIBO, such as yeast overgrowth, parasitic infections, large intestinal dysbiosis, histamine intolerance, and pancreatic insufficiency. GI-MAP also includes important gas-producing microbes, such as the primary hydrogen, methane and hydrogen sulfide producers.
Free Bonus Material and GI-MAP Resources:
View or download our handy reference table to help you easily identify the key gas- and histamine-producing microbes on GI-MAP:
Gas & Histamine Producers on GI-MAP (PDF)
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Author Tom Fabian, Ph.D., CNTP
Dr. Fabian is a leading expert on the role of the microbiome in health, immune function, chronic disease, and aging. As a translational scientist, his primary focus is on the clinical application of microbiome research in the integrative and functional medicine space. He received his PhD in molecular biology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and has worked as a biomedical researcher in the biotechnology industry...